A "ready to deliver" program to assist parents and carers support young people to be their best in their life, career and study.
About Parent As Coach
Parent As Coach includes training and a leaders toolkit so educators and coaches can take parents on a journey of self discovery where they will learn how to lead powerful, strengths-based coaching conversations that will enhance the motivation and resilience young people need to thrive in their life, career or study.
This Module is ideally designed for parents whose children have completed their life, career or school performance pathway plans, but can also be delivered as a stand alone parenting skills workshop.

What is included?
Instantly access the Parent As Coach toolkit & online training
Online Training & Leader's Manual

Student Slideshow Gallery

Parent Workbook – pdf

My Life Coaching Cards - pdf

My E.Q Coaching E-Cards -pdf

My Lifetype Coaching – E-Cards

- Select a not for profit or commercial licence
- Download & print 3 sets of coaching activity card sorts for lifelong use
- Unlimited offline delivery and printing of participant workbooks for everyone you train
- A CYPFS Leader’s Accreditation Certificate
- Ongoing access to the leader refresher training videos
- All Program upgrades
Deliver Parent As Coach workshop over 3 – 5 hours.
Parents will:
- Reflect on and share their current experience of parenting
- Identify their vision for positive parenting
- Understand their parenting style and key strengths
- Identify potential blockers to moving ahead
- Identify priority areas they want to work on
- Learn some key communication and coaching skills
- Learn and practise The G.O.A.L Coaching Conversation
- Create a Parent As Coach action plan
Individual fee: $450
- Online Leader Accreditation Training
- Download the complete Parent As Coach leaders toolkit
- Not for profit use only
Individual fee: $1,000
- Online live leader accreditation training session – by arrangement
- Download the Parent As Coach leaders toolkitÂ
- With a commercial licence to deliver within your own business
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Glenn Irvine - CEO of
& Facilitator of the "Unstoppable Dads" Program
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To promote good practice, please note that you are advised to use the CYPFS program materials within the boundaries of your professional expertise.