A must have “toolkit” for every educator and coach!

Our P.O.W.E.R Coaching Cards are simple yet powerful tools that will enrich the depth and quality of all your coaching conversations by assisting young people connect to their inner expert.
Choose from nine different coaching card sorts in the series or bundle them to all to provoke insight and positivity in many unique ways.
* All cards are available in hard copy or as e-cards, that you can download for lifelong use.
* Each set comes with an instruction sheet that include strengths focussed and evidenced based activities drawn from coaching and positive psychology.
* Available in English, French, Spanish, Serbian and Turkish.
Select or bundle any of the nine coaching card sorts in the series
LifeType Coaching Cards
P.O.W.E.R Coaching Card Kit Bundles
The POWER Card Kit
Career Coaching Card Kit
Life Coaching Card Kit
Deliver with GROUPS and ONE to ONE.

Deliver with GROUPS and ONE to ONE.

“I have been using the POWER coaching cards with my clients. The cards are both subtle and powerful as well as provoking in a positive way. Wow – the results are fascinating and revealing. The process and its employment has been truly rewarding. I have seen clients excited, rewarded, connected, confronted, exposed and a little scared. So much to explore and examine.”
Anne Tomietto
Youth Development Coach,
Creating Futures, Brotherhood of St. Laurence