A Complete Youth Coaching Business in a Box!

Coaching Young People For Success (C.Y.P.F.S) is an industry leading program
to “fast track” the growth of your coaching business.
Since 2005, we have been assisting professionals bring the POWER of COACHING to their work with young people.
We know it can take years to develop your own high-quality programs, so we have done all the work for you.
Select or bundle any of the SIX COACHING MODULES in the series
Download for lifelong use - No Subscriptions!
Every Module comes with its own leader toolkit and leader training so you can start coaching with groups, one to one or online straight away! Together they make a holistic program with up to 60 hours of coaching curriculum to assist young people thrive in their life, career and study.
The My Career Coach Module will assist you take young people on a journey of self-discovery.
Instantly access a complete toolkit the comes with all the resources you need to assist young people complete a Who am I? personal profile, connect to their key strengths and design an inspiring life and career pathway plan that aligns with their vision, values and desired lifestyle.
Their plan can then form the basis of all your ongoing coaching sessions.
Deliver in groups, one to one or online via the My Career Coach Portal.
Individual fee: $1000 AUD (plus GST for Australia only)
- A commercial licence to deliver within your business.
- The complete Career Coach Leaders toolkit & curriculum for offline delivery in groups and one to one for lifelong use – No subscriptions
- Leader Accreditation Training – 1/2 day online by or self paced.
- Option to offer clients the My Career Coach online portal @ $10 per person – open for 4 years.
- One complimentary My Career Coach online seat for personal use.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
The My Life Coach Module guides young people through the 5 POWER coaching steps to design their own “Steps for My Life Success” action plan.
Using the life wheel young people will assess their satisfaction in eight key areas, identify the priority areas they want to work on and design a tailor made plan that will take their health and wellbeing to a new level.
Their wellbeing plans can be shared with their coach, parents or peers so they can stay focussed and on track to be their best.
Deliver in groups, one to one or online via the My Life Coach Portal.
Individual fee: $1000 AUD (plus GST for Australia only)
- A commercial licence to delivery within your business.
- Leader Accreditation Training – 1/2 day online or self paced.
- The complete My Life Coach Leaders toolkit & curriculum for offline delivery in groups and one to one for lifelong use – No subscriptions.
- Option to offer clients the My Life Coach online portal @ $10 per person – open for 4 years.
- One complimentary My Life Coach online seat for personal use.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
This Module includes two coaching toolkits:-
1. For Yr 6-12 students
Steps For My School Success empowers students to take responsibility for their learning. They will review their academic and personal performance, identify potential blockers, then set and review their personal learning goals.
2. For Yr 11 – Tertiary Students.
The My TOP Performance Plan teaches senior students the skills and strategies that TOP school performers use. They can then use this knowledge to design a tailor-made action plan that will take their school performance to a new level.
Individual fee: $1,000 AUD (plus GST for Australia)
- Online live or self-paced leader accreditation training.
- Download the Performance Coaching leaders toolkit/s for lifelong use.
- With commercial licence to deliver within your own business in groups and one to one.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
Peers have a powerful influence on a young persons behaviour, choices and aspirations. Having a supportive mentor assists them to build the motivation and resilience they need to be their best and achieve their goals.
This module follows a train the trainer model, to provide youth professionals with a “ready to deliver” six hour, evidence base coaching skills training package that comes with a complete coaching toolkit, that includes all the resources needed to confidently train young people to be effective peer coaches.
Individual fee: $1,000 AUD (plus GST for Australia)
- Online live or self-paced leader accreditation training.
- Download the Peer Coaching Skills leaders toolkit/s for lifelong use.
- With commercial licence to deliver within your own business.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
This Parent As Coach includes all the resources you need to deliver a powerful coaching skills training workshop with parents and carers of young people straight away. The Workshop will assist parents and carers learn some key coaching skills and how to lead powerful coaching conversations that will empower people to overcome obstacles and implement their life, career and school performance goals on an ongoing basis.
Individual fee: $1,000 AUD (plus GST for Australia)
- Online live or self-paced leader accreditation training.
- Download the Parent As Coach leaders toolkit/s for lifelong use.
- With commercial licence to deliver within your own business.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting but often overwhelming time.
The Moving Up Program is designed to assist educators support students transition from primary to secondary school with confidence and optimism. The program includes leader training and all the resources you need to assist students reflect on on their primary years, understand the differences and challenges they may face, set goals and learn strategies they will need need to enjoy and excel in a high school environment.
Individual fee: $1,000 AUD (plus GST for Australia)
- Online live or self-paced leader accreditation training.
- Download the Moving Up leaders toolkit/s for lifelong use.
- With commercial licence to deliver within your own business.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
View Discount Bundles & Coaching Cardsorts
Individual fee: $5,000 AUD
Plus GST for Australia only
- Online Leader Accreditation Training for each Module
- Download the complete Leaders toolkit for all six modules for lifelong use.
- One complimentary My Life Coach & My Career Coach online seat for personal use.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
Individual fee: $2,700 AUD
Plus GST for Australia only
- Online Leader Accreditation Training for each Module
- Download the Leaders toolkit for the Life, Career and School performance modules for lifelong use.
- One complimentary My Life Coach & My Career Coach online seat for personal use.
- Marketing Logo’s
- Web Directory Listing
Embed the My Life & My Career Coach Platform into your site
Coaches can also access the online My Life Coach & My Career Coach platform for their clients.
Option 1. Embed the My Coach Programs into your WordPress site or
Option 2. Purchase seats for for your clients for $10 each, open for 4 years unlimited access.
Your clients can design and store their life, wellbeing and career pathway plans in their own MASTER GOAL TRACKER
and then revisit, reset and track their goals, making ongoing coaching a breeze!
Both programs can be offered self-paced or facilitated by you in your group or one to one coaching sessions.

The My Coach Youth Portal features:
- A personal login with four years unlimited access.
- Built in videos from a virtual coach to guide the process.
- A personal Master Goal Tracker where plans are stored and goals tracked.
- Record their feelings and challenges in a personal journal.
- Print, save and share their plans with their coach, parent or peers anytime.
- Store documents in their own library. eg: resumes, vision boards, cover letters etc..
- A leader dash board to track your groups progress.
- Create sub-group when you have large numbers
- Instant pre and post program surveys
- Download all data as a CSV to report group progress and outcomes.
- Leader and User dashboard integrates with My Life Coach
Don't have your own website? ..... problem solved!
You can purchase your own Coaching Young People For Success Website!

Save hours of work!
Link to your own URL
Edit to your brand and look
Add a Woo-commerce Shop
Embed & white label the My Life Coach & My Career Coach Learn dash Portal!
Deliver an evidence-based coaching model thats widely used & trusted
Every Module in the series follows our signature five step P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model© which incorporates strategies from positive psychology, evidence based coaching and hope theory that are proven to enhance wellbeing, resilience and performance through a model of goal striving.

Specialising in YOUTH COACHING gives you a niche!
Where can you deliver the CYPFS Programs?
- Within your own coaching practice
- Schools - Primary, Secondary, Alternative or Tertiary students
- Youth employment programs
- Community based mental health programs
- Youth support services
- Youth refugee organisations
- Indigenous support programs
Juvenile justice and child protection programs
- Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs
- Church based youth groups
- Plus more...
What are the benefits of being a CYPFS licensee?
- Save valuable time and dollars by accessing our “ready made” youth coaching system.
- See a quick return on your one off investment
- Spring board from CYPFS’s proven industry success in Australia and overseas
- Confidently market and deliver an “evidenced based” coaching program with consistent results
- Benefit from being a part of a growing CYPFS network of coaches from around the world
- Is education department endorsed and supported
- Mapped against various career development and national & state curriculum frameworks
- No geographical restrictions - It is not a franchise!

Mark Boonstra, Director,
Impact Communities,
Tasmania, Australia

T. Yarnell Ball
Life Skills Coach
Flint, Michigan, USA

Gaylene Nikora,
Dream Navigator,
Hawaii, USA

CYPFS is your solution! Finally a “turn-key” youth coaching program that is ready, research based, theory driven and engaging for young people, fun for counsellors and advisors and will work right out of the box! The outcomes were great and it was a small investment relative to the growth I experienced in my practice”
James Kiger, Smyrna High School, Counsellor,
Kiger Consulting, Private Practitioner, Delaware USA
To promote good practice, please note that you are advised to use the CYPFS program materials within the boundaries of your professional expertise.