The Coaching Young People For Success Approach
Stage 1. The P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model©
The five step P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model is built into every coaching Module in the Coaching Young People For Success series.
The five step model guides the coaching process combines powerful strategies from evidence based Coaching and Positive Psychology and Hope Theory that are proven to assist young people connect to their inner expert and enhance the self-awareness, hope, self belief and motivation they need to achieve greater health, wellbeing and improved performance in all areas of their life.
Stage 2. The GOAL Coaching Conversation©
The G.O.A.L Coaching Conversation is designed to assist the coach lead powerful future-focused coaching conversations that keep young people focused and motivated to strive towards their goals on an ongoing basis. It also offers a simple but powerful framework that supports young people strengthen the emotional skills and develop the habits they need to be successful overtime.
Stage 1. Coach for a P.O.W.E.R plan
Every CYPFS module follows our signature five step P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model© which incorporates strategies from positive psychology, evidence based coaching and hope theory that are proven to enhance motivation, wellbeing and performance by promoting goal striving in young people.
This five step coaching process assists young people connect to their inner expert, so they can design a hope filled life, career or school performance pathway plan that matches their vision, values and aspirations.
The pathway plans then provide you with a guide to “fast track” behaviour change by keeping your clients focused, motivated and on track to strive towards their dreams and goals on ongoing basis.
Step 1. P = Coach for Possibilities
Young people explore who they are and create a Who am I? Strengths based personal profile that will assist them to imagine possibilities and design an inspiring vision for their life, career and study for their future that matches who they are and what is important to them.
Step 2. O = Coach for Organisation
Young people will identify their short, medium and long term goals, review their current life satisfaction in eight key areas, identify the top priority areas they want to work on and then be assisted to create an achievable clear plan of what they need to do to get there.
Step 3. W = Coach for Willpower
Young people will realistically assess the costs and benefits of striving towards their goals in order to assist them build their motivation and promote commitment.
Step 4. E = Coach for Emotional Skills
Young people will identify the emotional intelligence skills they have and the skills they need to strengthen in order to be able to overcome obstacles and move ahead.
Step 5. R = Coach for Results
Young people will design S.M.A.R.T steps they can take straight away so they can experience success and build their sense of agency and belief that their goals are achievable.
Stage 2. Coach for ongoing change with the G.O.A.L Coaching Conversation©
The GOAL Coaching Conversation©
The GOAL Coaching Conversation is a framework that ensures the coach stays on track and structures all their ongoing conversations to maximise change, learning and action.
Step 1. G = What GOAL will you work on?
How important is it? Do you believe? are you ready?
Step 2. O = What are your OPTIONS for success?
What have you tried? What else could you try?
Step 3. A = What ACTION will you take first?
When will you take it? How will you feel if you do?
Step 4. L = What is the LIKELIHOOD of success?
What could stop you? Who could support you?
Then R.E – G.O.A.L
The vision, goals and action steps can be REVIEWED and EVALUATED each coaching session (RE-GOAL).
By RE-GOAL-ing each session, the coach helps young people stay on track and focused, helps them reflect on their learning and supports them to maintain the motivation they need to overcome obstacles and find strategies to keep moving forward. All positive behaviour change can be tracked and celebrated along the way with the support of the coach, parent or peers.
(The G.O.A.L conversation has been adapted from the widely used GROW Model
(John Whitmore, 2002) and is designed to be used in conjunction with The P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model©.